Kentucky: (859) 261-2444


What Is the Significance of Spreading Ashes?

Why Do We Spread Ashes Today, there are more options than ever for the disposal of ashes of a cremated loved one. They can be kept in a decorative urn, divided into smaller urns for members of the family, made into fireworks, tattoo ink and even sent into space. Many…...

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What to Know Before Cremation

Are you considering cremation for yourself while pre-planning? Perhaps you are thinking about cremation as an alternative for a current need. If you are, odds are you may have questions. Here are some things you should know before choosing cremation. Can I Still Have a Funeral Service for a Cremated…...

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Reasons Why People Choose Cremation Services

It is no secret that cremations have become more popular than ever. In fact, cremations have supplanted traditional funeral and burial services as the most popular choice for families in the United States. Why are people selecting cremations over traditional burial services? There are actually a number of solid reasons…...

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What is the Process of Cremation?

As cremation has grown in popularity across the nation, so have the number of questions surrounding the process. Do cremains contain all the ashes of a loved one? How does a family make sure the cremains they receive are actually those of a loved one? How is a body prepared…...

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What Are Cremation Ashes Comprised Of?

At the Cremation Society of Northern Kentucky, we often get questions regarding the consistency and make-up of cremains. Cremains are what is left after a body is cremated. Many refer to these as “ashes” but that is not exactly the case. To understand what these “ashes” are composed of, it…...

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What is Green Cremation?

Many people already consider cremation a more environmentally-friendly alternative to a traditional burial. But many may not realize that they can go a step further in planning a green, or what is sometimes referred to as a bio-cremation. In a traditional cremation, the body is placed in an incinerator chamber,…...

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Five Unique Ways to Use Cremated Ashes

As more and more people have embraced cremation, families continue to seek unique ways to memorialize those who have passed on. Initially, cremains were frequently buried, much like following a traditional funeral. Then families began spreading ashes in a location or locations of meaning to the deceased. More recently, small…...

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Benefits of Choosing Cremation Over Burial

In case you haven’t noticed, cremation has become mainstream. Here in the Midwest, on average about 50% of all final services include cremation. In some areas, like the extreme Northeast and Far Western United States, cremations now account for over 70% of burials. There are many reasons contributing to this…...

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Simple & Affordable Cremations

One of the compelling reasons cremations have become increasingly popular is they can be so much more inexpensive than a traditional funeral and burial. Some large corporations have even taken advantage of this trend by including “cheap” or “affordable” in the actual names of their cremation service companies. As most…...

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What Are Cremation Keepsakes?

Keepsakes from funerals have long been a tradition in the United States. Many old family Bibles have pages stained from dried flowers sent in honor of loved ones. For many, prayer cards serve as a memento of final services. As cremations continue to grow in acceptance and popularity, cremation keepsakes…...

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